What We’re Thankful For

The Zimride Crew is incredibly thankful for the amazing interns that have were a part of our team this year. We’ve asked them to share what it’s like to work and learn at Zimride and Lyft.

(From Left to Right: Lauren, Saman, Zippy, and Lucy)

Interning at Zimride this year has made the idea of entering the start-up world a lot more accessible. I’ve learned so much about how new businesses are run and maintained, and how important each team member is when managing and contributing to a successful product like Zimride.

I loved being able to communicate with organizers of big events and close partnerships, like the one we had with Outside Lands in San Francisco a few months ago. It’s amazing to see the results of our partnerships and to hear the stories of passengers who used Zimride to get to music festivals!

Interning for Lyft made me handle multiple projects at once which taught me to be more organized. My proudest accomplishment was to help create the driver onboarding process for the Lyft Community. Knowing I was part of the beginning stages makes me extremely excited how I helped Lyft in a big way.

I learned that Zimride runs like a big family. The atmosphere and environment in the office made it enjoyable to go to work with everyone and do my absolute best.

My communication skills have flourished by working at Zimride. Zimride taught me how to reach a certain audience, evaluate information, and turn that analysis into a better product which has helped me find marketing/writing to be my future career path. I absolutely love working at the office with all the awesome ZimLyft peeps. And I’ve gained an entirely new perspective on “team work.”

My favorite project has to be Zimride Elite, a program where I was a resource to the Zimride driver community. I’ve become a total advocate for getting potential users pumped about the website. And not just getting them excited to use the site – but about our whole mission, about transforming/disrupting the conventional perception of transportation.

Learning how account management work at Zimride has been an exciting way combine my interests in entrepreneurship and marketing to help Zimride partners successfully rideshare.

Thank you Zippy, Saman, Lauren, and Lucy for absolutely everything. We wish you and the rest of the Zimride Community a fantastic Thanksgiving.

Happy travels,

Your Zimride Crew

And the Winner Is…

iPad - Zimride Style
…Jenn, a college student from Appalachian State University! Jenn was kind enough to share with us why she started using Zimride:

I live 6 hours away from school so I thought it’d be a cool way to meet people and give them a ride if they needed one since it’s such a long drive. And being able to have people help with gas saves everyone in the long run because for me it’s $100 minimum one way.

Thanks to all of you who participated in the Zimride Thanksgiving contest for a free iPad! We had an amazing response with over 16,000 rides posted between Oct. 15th and Thanksgiving. Special thanks to the Zimride driver community for helping thousands of passengers get home to celebrate Thanksgiving with their friends and family.