Responsiveness Scores Are Here!

Have you been looking for a ride and wondered how long your fellow Zimrider might take to get back to you? We know you do, because you told us. Soon, you’ll have a pretty good idea. Based on that feedback, we’ve developed the new Zimride responsiveness scores, coming soon to all Zimride profiles.

Since making contact is a key step in planning your ride, you’ll now know what to expect when you reach out to a fellow Zimrider. With these magical new profile scores, you can instantly see how often a driver or passenger responds to messages, and how quickly they typically respond — whether it’s a few minutes or a few hours.

Reply Rate
What percent of messages or bookings a Zimrider replies to.

Reply Time (avg)
How quickly a person typically responds to a message or booking.

You’ll also have your own score! Be sure to respond to your messages on Zimride as soon as possible, in order to maintain a high response time and rate. These public profile scores will help improve responsiveness in the community overall – so other Zimriders will be more likely to get back to you faster, too.

If you’ve been so-so about responding to messages in the past, never fear…our new scoring system starts off with a clean slate for everyone, so now is time to step your game up! We’ll be showing your average response time in minutes, and the percentage of messages or bookings you’ve replied to.

We hope the new responsiveness scores are helpful … remember, faster responses make planning travel even easier!

Your Zimride Crew

Add Multiple Dates for a Ride

We’re always trying to make the Zimride rideshare experience better by incorporating feedback from our Zimride community. Many of you let us know that your Zimrides are much more than occasional road trips. We heard you were taking trips back home to see family, business trips to a frequent client or a trip to see your long-distance significant other.

For those regular trips you take often, posting them on Zimride just got a bit easier. We’ve introduced a new “Add more dates” button when you post a ride. Instead of needing to add a new ride for each date you want to travel you can just attach additional dates to a frequent ride.

Bulk add ride

Whether you’re a passenger who’s looking to travel on multiple weekends or a driver who’s making repeated trips, it just takes a couple clicks to add additional travel dates. So go ahead, post your recurring ride to Grandma’s house or that frequent trip to Los Angeles. It’s now easier than ever!

As always, we appreciate your feedback as we continue to improve your Zimride experience and we’d love to hear from you about this new enhancement. You can email us at

Happy travels,
The Zimride Crew

Zimride is Going Mobile!

Today we’re happy to announce a new way to use Zimride: Zimride for mobile web. You can now take your ridesharing community with you when you’re on the go. Quickly find and book rides, view profiles, communicate with other drivers and passengers, and post rides all from your mobile device. Just go to on your iPhone or Android browser, and you’re on your way! Check out the video below to see how it works.

Find and Book Rides
Finding a ride is never more than a tap away, and there are handy filters that help you choose the best ride for you. Booking rides is also streamlined and optimized for your smartphone so you can easily view a ride and book it quickly and securely.

Send and Receive Messages
When new messages and ride requests come your way, you can now reply and respond on the fly. You’ll miss fewer communications and complete more successful rideshares.

View Profiles
Check out profiles, and get to know your fellow Zimriders. Swipe through photos of common friends, and read user reviews to help you pick your favorite ride.

Post a Ride
Posting rides on mobile is quick and easy. Just one step to post, and you’re done. We’ll even let you know when we find corresponding rides that match.

Zimride for Mobile Web screens
Stay tuned to our blog for more Zimride Mobile updates and announcements. As always, we appreciate your feedback and will continue to improve your Zimride experience. Let us know what you think about Zimride for mobile web at

Happy travels,
The Zimride Mobile Team (Sebastian, Jamie, Eduardo, Marc & Frank)
The Zimride Mobile Team: Sebastian, Jamie, Eduardo, Marc & Frank

Zimride – April Fool’s Launch

Since founding Zimride in 2007 we have focused on improving transportation options by building a social rideshare community. We knew that eventually we’d have to expand our focus and move beyond cars. Around the same time that Zimride was born we also created another ridesharing platform, but since we were so focused on Zimride we decided to hold off on launching it. Due to changes in the economy and the general shift toward alternative forms of transportation we believe that now is the ideal time to launch our newest product: Zimbike.

You may have heard of bike sharing projects in Portland, D.C. and even Paris. Community bikesharing is a great way to get more people biking, but we believe that there is still substantial room for improvement. On an average ride, over 80% of the bike goes un-used by a solo biker and tandem bikes are too large for commuters in crowded cities. Today, we’re proud to introduce Zimbike—a revolutionary new way to save money, make friends, and share the ride.

Check out our launch video and help us spread the word.

Life is better when you share the ride.

– Logan & John

Zimride Profiles Get a Makeover

While you were home enjoying the holidays with friends and family, we cooked up new and improved Zimride profiles. They’re packed with awesome features to help you put your best face forward and get a better look at what your fellow Zimriders are all about.

Facebook Integration
Too busy to fill out your profile? Sign into Zimride through Facebook and get instant profile personalization. And don’t worry, you can always modify what people see, and we’ll never share your Facebook information with third parties.

Verified Affiliations
Build trust by letting the community know what networks you’re a member of. Your new profile will show a list of your verified networks so other Zimriders know you’re who you say you are.

Not only have we made profile pics larger to better show off your pretty smile, we’ve now made it possible for drivers to share a pic of their sweet rides.

More Personal Info
Now you can share more personal info so you have a better chance at finding like-minded and compatible Zimriders. In addition to personal details like work, hometown and favorite music, now you can show your age, education, and interests.

As Zimride continues to grow, we are committed to empowering our community to make the best choices for them. The more ridesharers the merrier, and the more info on a profile the easier it is to choose the best ride for you! Have feedback about our profile makeover? Please let us know at

Happy Travels,
The Zimride Crew